


Learning Blog

Welcome to

Badgers Class Page 2023-2024!

Week Beginning 6th May 

This week the Badgers have been busy gardeners! We designed our own label for our pot, and carefully filled it with compost before putting our sunflower plant in. We are very excited to see them grow, and will look after them carefully for the next few weeks smiley

Week Beginning 29th April

This week the Badgers have been exploring first, then, now stories in Maths! We used a range of resources, and independently solved number sentences with our partners. Miss Mote was very impressed with everyone's resilience and how everyone worked as a team! Well done Badgers 🙂 

Week Beginning 22nd April

This week in Badgers, we have been exploring and talking about different transport and journeys! We had a special challenge during Discovery Time this week, where we had to navigate our Bee-Bot through the path to the end! We were very resilient learners, and had lots of fun completing the challenge smiley

Week Beginning 15th April

This week in Badgers we have been learning about the concept of doubling! We have enjoyed using different resources to show our double facts to 10, like using counters to add the same amount of spots to both of the ladybird's wings. We added the number sentence underneath to show two of the same number adding to make a new number! Well done Badgers smiley

Week Beginning 25th March

This week the Badgers had so much fun taking part in the Easter Bonnet parade around our school! Everyone made a fantastic hat, and we really enjoyed walking around showing our adults our amazing creations! Have a lovely Easter everyone! smiley

Week Beginning 18th March

This week Spring has sprung in the Badgers classroom! We have loved creating our own chicks using our hand print, googly eyes, and adding the beak! We showed super cutting skills, and created some beautiful fluffy chicks 🙂 

Week Beginning 11th March 

This week in Badgers, we have been writing fabulous sentences about butterflies and other insects! We have remembered capital letters, finger spaces, capital letters and our beautiful Hazel Wood handwriting too! Miss Mote is very proud of all of the Badgers children 🙂 

Week beginning 4th March 

This week the Badgers have loved reading the story 'A Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We have really enjoyed some caterpillar and butterfly crafts, writing about what he ate each day, and making the life cycle of  a butterfly. We have worked in our fruit group teams to order the days of the week, and drew the different amounts of food he ate next to each day. We all worked fantastically in a team - well done Badgers!smiley

Week beginning 26th February

This week in Badgers, we have really enjoyed reading the story 'Aaarrghh Spider', and beginning our topic question - 'Why do spiders make webs?'. We have read some information books to learn some facts about spiders, and have enjoyed completing spider crafts! Our favourite activity this week was making spider web sun catchers for the windows now the sun is shining a bit more. We cut the web independently, and then added a variety of different coloured and shaped tissue paper for the sun to shine through! They look great on our classroom windows!

Week beginning 5th February

This week the Badgers have been really enjoyed their maths! We have been recognising and ordering numbers to 10,  and we have loved playing subitising games with paper plates and number cards. We had to subitise the paper plate dots in our head and find the correct numeral to match on a number card! We love a competition in Badgers! 


Week beginning 29th January


This week in Badgers, we have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We have enjoyed retelling the story and talking about our favourite parts. For our focus task, we really enjoyed tasing porridge with our friends. We tasted both plain porridge and porridge with jam in to make it sweet! It was delicious :) 

Week beginning 22nd January

This week in Badgers, we really enjoyed reading 'Polar Bear Polar Bear, what do you hear?' and decided to make our own animal masks using different colours and materials. We really enjoyed creating the animals and used different artistic techniques. Well done Badgers! 

Week Beginning 8th January

This week the Badgers have been very excited to explore our outside area as we had lots of snow and ice this week! We drew patterns in the snow, and looked at all the different shapes the ice had made. We even tried to make snowballs with our friends! We are hoping for more snow smiley

Week Beginning 27th November

This week in the Badgers, we have been exploring the concept of one more! We listening to the story the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' and made towers of cubes for each amount of food he ate! We noticed he ate one more of everything each time. Super work Badgers!

Week Beginning 13th November 

This week in Badgers, we were so lucky to have Ali from Stage Coach come in and retell the Stick Man story to us! She had lots of amazing props which we used to retell all the different parts of the story, and taught us 2 special Stick Man songs! We had such a good time, and wanted to say thank you very much to Ali for coming!

Week Beginning 6th November

This week the Badgers have been busy learning all about Stick Man by Julia Donaldson! We enjoyed completing some challenges in the outside area with our friends. Some of us built a Stick Man sandcastle with a flag, some of us made our own Stick Man using different joining materials and some of us made a nest for an animal like the Swan in the story. Another fantastic week for the Badgers! ðŸ™‚

Week Beginning 30th October

This week in Badgers, on our Maths learning, we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2, 3. We worked as a class to create a poster of objects of different amounts. We used objects from our classroom, and talked about how the amounts looked different. Well done Badgers! ðŸ™‚ 

Week beginning 16th October

This week we were super lucky to have a visitor from Morrisons! Claire told us all about how they make bread at Morrisons, and all the different types of bread that they can make. We were able to try different types of bread, and really enjoyed eating them! smiley

Week Beginning 9th October

This week the Badgers have been fantastic bakers! After reading the Little Red Hen, we decided to make and bake our own bread! We worked together to measure ingredients, knead the dough, and roll into the perfect shape for a bread roll. The lovely kitchen staff kindly baked the bread, and we really enjoyed eating it for snack ðŸ™‚ 

Week beginning 2nd October 

This week the Badgers have had a brilliant week! We have continued learning new sounds in our phonics lessons - t, i, n and p. We have loved using our outdoor area to explore and discover with our friends. We enjoyed using musical instruments with Mrs Hampton in music, and we enjoyed building up our gross motor skills in the hall. Well done Badgers! smiley


Week beginning 25th September

This week the Badgers had a fantastic time on their welly walk around our school outside areas! We loved exploring the woods and looking and listening for animals. We worked together in pairs to look for different autumn objects like conkers, acorns and different coloured leaves that had fallen from the trees. We collected lots of different natural objects and have been enjoying using them in our Year R learning garden. What a brilliant week! smiley

Welcome to

Badgers Class Page 2022-2023!

Week Beginning 26th June



This week the Badgers class have been fabulous musicians! They have been listening to different types of music, and moving in time with it. They used different actions to move as sea creatures under the sea! They used their brilliant listening skills to explain how the music made them feel. Well done Badgers! :) 

Week Beginning 22nd May


This week the Badgers have been very busy! We have been learning about countries from all over the world! We have learnt about France on Monday, where we made Henri Matisse collages on snails and had croissants for snack! On Tuesday we learnt about India, and read 'There's a tiger in my garden'. We made moving paper tigers using split pins, and had some delicious mango for snack! On Wednesday we learnt all about Italy, and had some yummy pizza for snack! We read the story 'Good little wolf' as Italy is home to lots of wolves, and worked in our fruit groups to make a house out of natural materials for the 'Three Little Pigs' to live in! 

What a fantastic week smiley

Week Beginning 15th May

This week we have been doing some observational paintings of some beautiful sunflowers. The children used a variety of colours to create their painting, and by looking closely to add the detail of the flower. Well done Badgers for creating such masterpieces! smiley

Week Beginning 8th May 

The Badgers have had a fantastic week in the sunshine! We have carried on our Maths learning from last week of sharing into groups, but this week we had to share objects into groups of 3 or 4. We made sure to take it in turns to share the objects equally into each group, and left any objects that we could share out of the groups. We have also been enjoying using the play trail with our friends! smiley Well done Badgers for a super week!

Week Beginning 1st May

This week, the Badgers have really enjoyed using our outside area during our Maths learning. We have been exploring sharing different amounts into equal groups. We worked in partners to share different resources between each other, and talked about what if there was one left over. We made sure it was fair between each other by taking it in turns to move something into our circle. Well done Badgers for being super Mathematicians! smiley

Week Beginning 24th April

This week in badgers, we have had lots of fun exploring different materials to see which ones would be the best to use if we were making our own pirate ship! We use plastic, fabric, paper, wood and cotton wool to see which one floated on the surface. Well done Badgers for being excellent scientists! smiley


Week Beginning 17th April

This week we have enjoyed planting our sunflowers in our learning garden. Thank you for all your donations of seeds! We are looking forward to watching them grow and measuring them to see the tallest! We are going to be watering them and making sure to take care of them in the sunshine. 

Week Beginning 27th March

What a wonderful half term the Badgers have had! We have been brilliant learners, and become even closer friends smiley We celebrated all our hard work by having a super pajama party with Easter nest cakes and sweets! Miss Mote and Mrs Torpey hope you all have a fantastic Easter and eat lots of chocolate!

Week beginning 20th March

We were so excited to find out that our chicks had hatched out of their eggs over the weekend! We had the chance to hold or stroke the chicks, and were amazed how soft their feathers were! We are excited to watch them continue to grow and change over the week. 

In our Maths learning, we have been exploring subtraction and using different resources. These children used a tens frame and counters to help solve the number sentences independently - Miss Mote and Mrs Torpey are incredibly proud of everyone's Maths learning this week smiley


Week Beginning 6th March 

This week in Badgers, we have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Erin Carl, and have enjoyed completing lots of different activities about the story! We have been ordering events from the story, making paper chain caterpillars, and writing about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have learnt the term metamorphosis and drew the four different stages of the life cycle of a butterfly!

We had a special delivery in our classroom as well - our very own caterpillars! We can't wait to see them build their cocoons and eventually turn into butterflies. We will be checking on them every day to see how they are smiley

Week Beginning 27th February

This week Spring has sprung in the Badgers classroom! We have done some observational drawing of daffodils, made flowers using coloured playdough, and painted different flowers. We have enjoyed exploring different insects and used non-fiction books to find about more about spiders. 

Week Beginning 20th February

This week the Badgers have had lots of fun making spider web sun catchers as we started our new topic 'Why do spiders make webs'. We followed a simple video to fold and cut our sun catchers, and then added different coloured pieces of paper to create a colourful spider web! We have stuck them on our windows for the sun to shine through, and for you to see! 

Week Beginning 20th January

This week we have been reading our new story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We decided to try some porridge (just like Goldilocks), and each bowl had a different topping of jam, sugar or salt! We really enjoyed trying all of the porridge, and then voted for our favourite which was the porridge with jam!

This week we have been trying really hard to write sentences with longer CVCC words in them. Here are our some examples of our wonderful independent writers!

Week Beginning 23rd January

Thank you so much to all our parents and carers who joined us this week for our Music performance! The children performed 3 songs they have been learning with Mrs Hampton, and really enjoyed using musical instruments in their performance. After the children performed, they had the chance to make their own instruments using lots of recycling materials! We really enjoyed making and decorating them with lots of different colours! We then performed about Polar Bear Polar Bear song we have been learning in class. 

This week in Maths, one of independent activities involved us using different 2D shapes to make pictures! We discussed how shapes have different sides and vertices, and then choose the right shapes to make our pictures. Well done Badgers!

Week Beginning 16th January 2023

This week in Badgers, we have become Frost Finders in our outside learning garden. Everything had frozen so we took the opportunity to explore what had changed! We found that the ground had frozen and made crunchy sounds as we walked over it, and that lots of things had become trapped in the ice! The children enjoyed picking up the ice, and exploring what it felt like. The children also wanted to complete a science experiment, looking at how ice changes in different temperatures. We took some pieces of ice inside and watched how they melted into water over the day! 

Week Beginning 9th January 2023

This week we have loved reading our story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, and enjoyed taking part in different activities during Discovery time to do with the story. The children loved using the tuff tray to retell the story using puppets and different props, and we have been using water paints to create their favourite animal from our story last week 'Polar Bear Polar Bear What Can You Hear'.  We been creative and been working as a team to create different models in our construction area, and to solve puzzles with our friends! 


Week Beginning 2nd January 2023

This week we have been learning about 6, 7 and 8. We have explored counting different animals to match a number card, creating multi-coloured rainbows made of 6, 7 or 8 colours, matching spotty ladybirds to the correct leaf, and helping our Polar Bear find the right number of animals to be friends with!

We have been really enjoying using our outside area again! Some of the children made a long bus with lots of chairs and enjoyed singing songs, and other children enjoyed making colourful rockets showing great team work!

Week Beginning 12th December

This week in Badgers we have been enjoying lots of Christmas activities, like making our Christmas cards and making Christmas hats for our delicious Christmas dinner on Thursday! We loved performing our Nativity to our families, and we hope you enjoyed it too. We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party on Friday with our friends.

We wish all the Badgers a happy Christmas and we can't wait to see you all in January!


Week Beginning 5th December 2022

This week we have been using our outside area to create a Stick Man house! The Badgers worked so well as a team to build and create Stick Man's house, and decided they want to roast marsh mellows in the middle as it was so cold outside! We have been practicing our Nativity songs, and we are very excited to show all our adults our Christmas Performance next week - we hope you enjoy it! 

Week Beginning 21st November 2022

This week we had a Stick man challenge outside! We had a range of materials to use, and we had to work together as a team to create the perfect Stick Man house for Stick Man and his family to live in. We talked about what different parts of the house we needed to make, and worked really well to put all our ideas together to make the house. 

In writing this week, we have been focusing on writing CVC words independently and accurately. We played a fun game this week involving getting messy with shaving foam! Miss Henry called out a word, and we had to write it as quick as we could - well done Badgers! smiley


Week Beginning 14th November 2022

This week in Badgers, we have been using the skills we learnt last week with clay, to make our own Stick Man! We remembered to 'score' our clay to make sure the arms and legs attached to his body better. We showed great resilience making our Stick Men as it wasn't easy, and we kept going! Each of our Stick Men were very unique and we showed lots of great independence when making our Stick Men. 

This week in Maths, we have been comparing our numbers to 5, and exploring what more and less means. We used some paper plates to show different amounts of compare bears and discussed that the plate with the largest number of bears had the 'most', and the plate with the fewest number of bears had the 'least' amount. We also talked about making sure it was 'fair' and that meant that each plate had the same amount of bears.  

Week Beginning 7th November 2022

This week, the Badgers completed Stick Man's obstacle course! We had to make sure we had Stick Man in our hand so we could take him on our adventure through the obstacle course! We had to balance along the bench, crawl through the barrel, jump over the pole, go under the sheet, and hop to the end. The Badgers showed great resilience and independence by completing the obstacle course with a smile on their face! Well done Badgers! blush

This week we have been learning how to use clay! We explored how the clay felt, and how we could use our hands to mould the clay into different shapes. We used some different tools to cut the clay into smaller pieces. We enjoyed using our hands to make sausages! Miss Mote and Miss Henry showed us how to ‘score’ the clay so two pieces would stick together better. We then used water to smooth the clay and go over any joins in the clay! We are very excited to make our own Stick Man next week!

Week beginning 31st October 2022

This week we have been reading Stick Man by Julia Donaldson! We have explored the story using our tuff tray and drew our own story maps of the different parts of the story. During our choosing time, some of the Badgers decided to make their own family tree, by drawing all the different members of their family and sticking them on their tree. 

In our Maths this week, we have been learning all about the number 4! We have been building different shaped towers made of 4 blocks, make our own number 4 dominoes, and we enjoyed completing an independent job of making the number block 4. We had to glue the eyes, mouth, arms and legs on to assemble our number block!

What a fantastic week of learning Badgers!

Week beginning 17th October 2022

This week in Badgers, we have had so much fun using our kindly donated pumpkins in our play! We created glitter exploding pumpkins, explored what the inside of a pumpkin looks and feels like using our senses, and used the pumpkins with our train track, as bridges or tunnels! Thank you so much to all our families who donated a pumpkin smiley

As we are coming to the end of our topic 'Little Red Hen', we have been making our own bread rolls. We watched a short clip explaining how farmer cut and transport the wheat, to the mill, and how the mill grinds the wheat down to make flour! The bakers explained how yeast is added to make the bread grow in the oven, and how different bread is made with different ingredients.

We followed a set of instructions on how we make bread, and checked we had all the correct ingredients - flour, yeast, water and oil! Using a set of scales, we weighed each ingredient and mixed it together in a bowl. We then had a go at kneading at piece of dough ourselves, and rolled it between our palms to make a roll! After we had all created our rolls, we took them down to the kitchen where we baked them in the oven. We hope you enjoyed your roll! 

Week beginning 10th October 2022

This week in the Badgers class, we have been practising our scissor skills! We remembered to put our thumb on the top hole of the scissors, and to squeeze with our first finger to get the scissors to snip! We had to cut out parts of the Little Red Hen's body, and rearrange them to make her picture. We used our glues sticks carefully to glue down each part of the Little Red Hen, and then remembered to write our name at the top!


The Badgers have enjoyed using our outdoor learning garden to explore our resources. We have loved our balance bikes, and using our a race course to see who can move around the tyres the quickest! We enjoyed playing a counting game using some rainbow frogs and a number chart - what a fantastic counters the Badgers are! Some of us took part in a letter hunt around the garden to find our sounds we have learnt - m, a, s, d, t, p, i, n, g and o. The water tray as been very popular, and we have been exploring how many frogs can fit on a boat - who has the most? 

Week Beginning 3rd October 2022

In Badgers we have been reading the 'Little Red Hen' and discussing how we make bread. We talked about what have on bread, and how we like butter! Miss Mote explained how we were going to make butter today! We watched a short video on how to make butter, and then it was our turn. We put some cream in a jar, and started to shake! We took turns passing the jar around, and shaking as hard as we could. After about 10 minutes, it started to make a ball of butter. We kept shaking until it made a bigger ball. We then took our butter to Mrs Schultze who had a toaster! We talked about how bread changes when it is toasted, and how it feels different. Mrs Schultze spread the butter over our toast, and then we got to enjoy it!

We enjoyed using our rainbow parachute to roll our dice, and moving our arms as fast as we could, to see how high the dice to go! We had to shout out the number that the dice landed on. 


Week Beginning 26th September 2022

This week the Badgers have been super busy! We have started reading our story of the Little Red Hen, and discussing the characters. Miss Mote set us a challenge to complete a sound hunt around the classroom, where we had to find each character from the story and write the sound on our sheet! We did some super handwriting remembering our rhyme of how to write each sound. Well done Badgers smiley


Week Beginning 19th September 2022

This week we have started learning some sounds in our phonics lessons. We have learnt m, a, s, t, and d! The Badgers have been super learners, and remembered each sound. The children have loved using the glitter to write each sound, using their 'pinchy fingers' to hold their paint brush.



We have been talking lots about ourselves and our families this week, as we get to know each other! We used lots of different materials to make self portraits, and to make pictures of our family. We have talked about who is special in our family, and what we like to do with those special people. Well done Badgers!

Week Beginning 12th September 2022

 What a wonderful week the Badgers have had! We have been exploring our classroom, and using different resources with our new friends. We have remembered our fruit groups, and really enjoyed staying for lunch on Thursday and Friday! Miss Mote and Mrs Shultze are so proud of how the Badgers have behaved this week, especially when moving around the school and in the lunch hall smiley

Week Beginning 5th September 2022



Well done Badgers! You have had such a wonderful start to Year R. Miss Mote and Mrs Shultze are really proud of your resilience and independence. You have been lovely listeners, and kind friends to each other! 


We have been creating our self portraits, using various loose parts! We had lots of fun using different materials, and made sure we had the right amount of eyes, noses and mouths! 


