

Parent Questionnaire

Reception Parents Questionnaire 2023



Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all the responses to our Year R Induction Questionnaire.  We received a total of 33 responses. 

Everyone responded positively to the questions about the Inductions Evening/Open Evening and tours, and felt that all routines and systems were clearly explained.

We also asked you to comment on how we can improve this process, here are some suggestions we received;

  • More information regarding daily routines in school e.g. lunch times and what happens at lunchtime
  • PE Kits more explanation needed
  • Reading Diaries how to use

In response to the question about the children’s first few days in school, over 40% felt this was a good approach.  15% felt that the children should start school full-time straight away, and the remaining 45% felt that the part-time induction was too long.  As a school we operate this was as we feel that it important to allow the children to settle in and learn the routines in a smaller group.  However, we have taken on board the responses we have received, and will look at reducing the number of part-time days in the future.

Kind regards

Jane Phillips

Executive Head Teacher

Parent Questionnaire January 2023

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who responded to the questionnaires that were available during January. We are delighted that we had 139 responses and that the outcome was very positive.

 Of all of the parents who shared an opinion, 99% of parents said that their child was happy at school ,  97% agreed that their child does well at the school and 97% said that they would recommend our school to another parent.

 We are pleased with the responses given in the questionnaires and are working hard to improve all areas of school.  Once again we would like to thank all of the parents and carers who responded to the questionnaire. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.
