Provision - Teaching and Learning support
The four broad areas of SEND need are:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical needs
How we evaluate the effectiveness of provision
The SENDCo, in partnership with the Executive Headteacher and Governing Body, have the following key responsibilities:-
- overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy
- co-ordinating provision for children with special educational needs by liaising with, and advising, fellow teachers
- managing Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the teaching of pupils with special educational needs
- overseeing the records of all children with special educational needs
- liaising with parents of children with special educational needs
- contributing to the in-service training of staff
- liaising with external agencies, including the support of the LA and Educational Psychology Services, Health and Social Services and voluntary bodies
- ensuring the smooth transition of pupils with additional educational needs to their new class/school or learning environment
- ensuring all relevant records are transferred to the next Teacher/SENDCo
- monitoring and reviewing progress of pupils with additional educational needs
- ensuring that barriers to learning are removed and all pupils can access a full curriculum
- monitoring and reviewing intervention programs for effectiveness
- keeping up to date with current SEN training and Government initiatives.
ELSA Support
At Hazel Wood we are lucky to have two fantastic ELSA's (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)Mrs Clarke and Mrs Green. They are teaching assistants who have had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from educational psychologists to help them in their work. Mrs Clarke and Mrs Green work in the 'Butterfly Room' where they provide the time and space for pupils to think about their personal circumstances and how they manage them. Mrs Clarke and Mrs Green work with the children to;
- Develop coping strategies and talk about difficulties.
- Interact more successfully with others.
- Develop greater self-awareness manage school better and feel better about themselves.
- Pupils with an ELSA feel they have been listened to and supported.
Sensory Circuits
At Hazel Wood we run 'Sensory Circuits' at the start of the school day. The aim of a sensory circuit is to help prepare children to be able to engage actively with the school day. A sensory circuit is a series of activities designed to alert, organise and calm the children before they start their learning. Sensory circuits are a great way to both energise and settle children so they can focus and engage better in the classroom. Many children can benefit from attending a sensory circuit, even for a short period of time. The activities can also be utilised at different times of the day as part of a sensory diet to help the child regulate.
Children's Choice TherapySensory circuits
PET therapy
At Hazel Wood we are incredibly lucky to be able to offer children PET therapy with 'Lola' the dog. She is hyper-allergenic a specially trained to work with children. The children love talking to her and reading their favourite stories with her.