Key Stage 1
Week Commencing 02/12/24
This week in KS1 we have been using our Design and Technology skills to create a Christmas card with moving parts. The children have enjoyed learning how to create sliders to make their Christmas cards more engaging and interactive. We can't wait to share them with you!
Week commencing 25.11.24
It was all eyes up to the skies this week as Key Stage 1 explored our new topic 'Splendid Skies'. The children became immersed in all things weather related whilst keeping a weather diary throughout the week. We also discovered why there are different hours of daylight depending on the season and discussed how this affects the activities that we do. Well done Key Stage 1!
Week commencing 18.11.24.
This week KS1 have been very lucky, we took part in a special lantern making workshop ready for the Totton Lantern Parade on 1st December. We were told a fantastic story about how a phoenix helped Santa Claus before making wonderful lanterns to represent parts of the Fire Phoenix. The children had to use both their creativity and imaginative skills and their resilience for some parts! We think the lanterns look wonderful, well done KS1!
Week Commencing 11/11/24
We have been continuing with our learning of our topic 'Remember, Remember'. This week we have explored the history of King James I. We learnt that he became the King of Scotland at the young age of 1! We couldn't believe it. We learnt about the link between himself and Guy Fawkes and understood further the issues between Protestants and Catholics. We have also started our new topic of time in our Maths sessions. We have had great fun using clocks practically and comparing those to digital clock faces. Well Done KS1!
Week commencing 21.10.24
Week Commencing 4/11/24
This week, we have been learning about ‘Guy Fawkes’ in our new topic ‘Remember, Remember’. The children have thoroughly enjoyed starting their learning journey about the history of firework and bonfire night and the reasons behind this. Particularly, the parts about gunpowder and explosions! We have also had a fantastic time taking part in a special ‘Gunpowder plot’ drama workshop run by the company ‘Perform’. Each class took part in songs, dances and acting in relation to Guy Fawkes and the events that took place. We look forward to finding out more about this historical event over the next coming weeks.
Week commencing 14/10/24
As we independently made our sandwiches last week and are now experts, this week, we have used our independence skills to write instructions for how to make a sandwich. All the adults have been extremely proud of us and our ability to recall all the key steps that are needed to make a delicious sandwich! Before writing our instructions, we looked at the key features for what a good set of instructions look like so our own instructions were very informative.
Week Commencing 7.10.24
Key Stage One have had a fantastic week designing and making sandwiches to take home. Before making the sandwiches, the children designed and made a poster about safety and hygiene. They explored how to chop vegetables using a variety of cutting methods (claw and bridge).
In Mathematics, the children have been using apparatus and number squares to solve addition problems. The children are becoming more observant at noticing key patterns, repetitions and connections; deepening their understanding of the Mathematical concepts.
Week Commencing 30.9.24
Key Stage one have had a fantastic start to our Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch topic this week. We have been tasting and evaluating sandwiches with a variety of fillings, we had to think about what they tasted like, the appearance and the texture before giving each different filling a score out of 10. Then we moved on to designing our very own healthy sandwiches. We hope you are looking forward to tasting them next week!
Week Commencing 23/09/2024
This week in Key Stage one we have been focusing on our science topic - healthy eating! We have been discussing what our bodies need to survive. We discussed about the air we breath, the food we eat, water, shelter and sleep. We know that each function is important and key to survival - whatever your species! We have also been sorting foods into various groups - look at our very own healthy eating plate to see what we have done 🙂
Week Commencing 16/09/24
This week we have been busy using our phonic and spelling skills to write the story of 'The Ugly Duckling'. We used the pictures in our story maps created last week to help us remember each part of the story. In Year 1, we focused on writing simple sentences; in Year 2, we extended our sentences using conjunctions such as 'and, because, so'. We worked independently, trying to sound out and spell the words while remembering our beautiful Hazel Wood handwriting. Well done to all of the children for having a go and trying your best!
Week Commencing
We have been very resilient in all our learning this week. In maths we have been working on understanding and applying place value. In year 1, we have been concentrating on our teen numbers. We have made them in different ways and applied our knowledge to solve reasoning problems. In Year 2 we have explored the value of the digits in a 2 digit number, partioning the numbers into 10’s and 1’s. We have then been very resilient when applying our knowledge to help us solve reasoning problems. What great maths we have done this week! In our curriculum learning we have been retelling the story of the ugly duckling. We have been using story maps to help us remember key parts of the story. Maybe we can share the story with you at bedtime!
Week Beginning 02/09/24
KS1 have had a wonderful week settling into their new classes. We have enjoyed developing new friendships, learning the routines, and getting to know the adults in our class. The children enjoyed designing their postcards and describing their summer. We have been working hard in Maths too, where Year 1 has been looking at comparing numbers up to 20 and Year 2 numbers up to 100. We can't wait to start our new topic next week 'Beautiful inside and out'!