

Key Stage 1

Week Commencing 



We have been very resilient in all our learning this week. In maths we have been working on understanding and applying place value. In year 1, we have been concentrating on our teen numbers. We have made them in different ways and applied our knowledge to solve reasoning problems. In Year 2 we have explored the value of the digits in a 2 digit number, partioning the numbers into 10’s and 1’s. We have then been very resilient when applying our knowledge to help us solve reasoning problems. What great maths we have done this week! In our curriculum learning we have been retelling the story of the ugly duckling. We have been using story maps to help us remember key parts of the story. Maybe we can share the story with you at bedtime!

Week Beginning 02/09/24 


KS1 have had a wonderful week settling into their new classes. We have enjoyed developing new friendships, learning the routines, and getting to know the adults in our class. The children enjoyed designing their postcards and describing their summer. We have been working hard in Maths too, where Year 1 has been looking at comparing numbers up to 20 and Year 2 numbers up to 100. We can't wait to start our new topic next week 'Beautiful inside and out'!  

