


Oak Class

WC 20.11.23

This week in Oak class we have been learning all about the life and achievements of 'Florence Nightingale'. We looked at significant events in her life and put them in chronological order. We also learned about the conditions that soldiers in Scutari hospital faced before Florence arrived and how they changed after. We also had fun making out lanterns for 'Totton Lantern Parade' next Sunday. We hope everyone can join us!

Oak Class 

wc 13/11/23

This week in Oak class we started our new topic 'Every day heroes'. We became history detectives and looked at some pictures of 'Florence Nightingale'and thought of questions that we would like to find out about her or ask her. We then got to hot seat her and ask her questions. We discovered that she changed nursing and hospitals. We are excited to find out more about this amazing woman!

KS1 meet Florence Nightingale

Oak Class

WC 6.11.23

In Art we looked at the art of David Hockney and we have been using our knowledge of primary colours to mix different shades of autumnal secondary colours. Also this week in Oak class we have been writing our letters to Miss Phillips trying to persuade her not to build 6 houses on the school field. We were very passionate and came up with lots of reasons that we thought it was a bad idea. We then had a big debate in the hall where we put our views to Miss Phillips and the school council. Our arguments were so persuasive that we made the school council vote against the plans.

Oak Class

WC 30.10.23


This week in Oak class we have been conducting some Geography fieldwork. We have been plotting human features in West Totton onto a map using a key. We have also been making a map of our school and putting aerial photos of human features onto our school map. In art we have been experimenting with different techniques and exploring primary and mixing secondary colours. We have also started using our writing skills to write a letter to Miss Phillips about the play trail. We have been so busy! 

Learning in Oak Class 30.10.23

Oak Class

WC 9/10/23


This week in Oak class we have been doing lots of writing , making sure we are using capital letters, full stops and conjunctions. We have used our chronological knowledge about 'how cars have changed through time' to write about the first car, cars today and what cars may be like in the future! We had lots of fun writing riddles about different vehicles too. Mr Baker even brought his old style mini in for use to compare with Mrs Richardson's modern mini. Thank you! What a busy week Oak class have had!

Transport 09 10 23

Oak Class 

WC 5/10/23


This week in Oak class we have been working hard on our resilience. We have been exploring, designing, making and evaluating our own moving vehicles. On Monday we had fun exploring different wheels, axels and chassis. Then we designed our own vehicle carefully choosing which were the best wheels and frames. We then had great fun making and designing our vehicles. We had some very imaginative designs!

Resilience and Design

Oak Class

WC 25/09/23

What an exciting week we have had in Oak Class! We went on a brilliant trip to Beaulieu Motor Museum to start our 'Transport Topic'. We had so much fun exploring the Museum, Top Gear Tent, Movie cars exhibition ,riding on a old bus and we even went for a ride in 'Gum drop'. Thank you to everyone that helped make our trip so fantastic! Back at school we then applied our knowledge and history skills to sort old and new cars, explore the difference between the oldest car and a modern car and create a time line from old to new. Next week we are designing and making our own moving vehicles! 

Our Trip to Beaulieu Motor Museum

Oak Class



This week in Oak class we have been trying very hard to work on our ‘Independent’ learning value! We evaluated our ‘healthy snack pots’ and thought about how we could improve them. We then thought about sharing how to make them and wrote instructions for others to follow. We thought carefully about our capital letters, full stops and conjunctions to extend some of our sentences. We also learnt about ‘Celebration’ and how Christians celebrate Harvest Festival. We have been busy!

Evaluating our 'Healthy Snack Pots' and writing instructions


Wc 15/9/23

This week in Oak class we have been learning how to identify different fruits and vegetables. We were amazed to learn that cucumbers and peas are actually fruits. We also investigated and sorted things that grow above ground or below ground. We have also learnt that fruits only grow above ground from a flower and Vegetables are stem, leaves, roots or buds of a plant. Vegetables which are roots grow below ground. We then designed and made our own healthy fruit pots. We cut our fruits very carefully!


Science and Design Technology - 5 is the Magic Number

Oak Class 

WC 12.6.23


This week in Oak class we had a fantastic 'Pirate Day' and everyone came dressed as pirates. We all looked 'teeerrriifiic'!!! We went to each class and did some brilliant pirate activities ; Drama, map making, pirate games, boat making and even a treasure hunt! We then wrote a recount about our fantastic day.

What a grrr-eeaa-tt time we had!

We have also been talking about god and what he means to different faiths.


Pirate Day - Ohhh Aarrrgghh me hearties

Oak Class

WC 5.6.23

In Oak class this week we have been history detectives. We have used different sources of information and artefacts to find out about 'Captain James Cook' and his epic voyages onboard HMS Endeavour. We used our detective work and research to write a fact file about Captain Cook and his accomplishments. Read our fact files to find out more !

Oak Class

WC 22.5.23

This week in Oak class we have been learning about the 7 Continents and the 5 oceans. We learnt the 7 continents song. It is a favorite at Hazel Wood! We worked in groups to find out information about a different continent and created a presentation to share with the rest of the class. We all had different jobs and found out lots of information to share with the other groups. 

Seven Continents Song

A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest. Subscribe! ➜ Visit the Hopscotch Shop!

Oak Class

WC 15.5.23

This week in Oak class we have been learning about music around the world. We have visited different countries and listened to traditional music and the had a go at composing music ourselves! We enjoyed visiting the Caribbean and listening to reggae music by the late 'Bob Marley' clapping out some reggae beats. We traveled to Spain and listened to some 'Flamenco' music and had a go at dancing using the castanets and maracas. We also traveled to Africa and had a go at some African drumming. What a fabulous week of music!

Music Around The World

Oak Class

WC 8.5.23


This week in Oak class we have been designing , making and evaluating mini shelters for Miranda. We have thought about shapes that are strong eg Triangles and learnt about different joining techniques. We then collected and brought in from home natural materials to make out shelters from. The learning value was 'Team Work' so we worked in pairs to create our shelters . We had some fabulous designs that Miranda would have been proud of! We also had a go at making big shelters outside in the school grounds. It was brilliant fun!


Science Investigation

WC 1.5.23

We have learnt about Materials and their Properties this week. We began by identifying the materials that objects are made of and searched around the class to find objects made of these materials. Then we explored the properties of different materials, such as transparent and opaque, and thought about why specific materials are used to make certain things. Ask us what Transparent and Opaque means and we can tell you ! Finally, we investigated which material would be best for the roof of a shelter. We decided that plastic would be best as it's waterproof, strong and flexible!

Investigating materials

Week Beginning 24th April

Miranda the Castaway Stories


We have been working on our story writing skills in Oak class this week. After reading Miranda the Castaway, Year 1 re-wrote the story in their own words and Year 2 were very imaginative and wrote their own versions of the story. As always Year 1 tried to remember to use capital letters, full stops and conjunctions to make our sentences longer. In year 2 we added adjectives and suffixes to make our stories more interesting and treid to think of our own endings!!

Miranda the Castaway

Week Beginning 17th April

Fire Service Visit

We were lucky enough to have a visit from 'Corinne' from the Fire Service on Friday. She taught us how to stay safe at home and at school. We talked about the dangers of items around the house and what to do in an emergency. Luna did some excellent role play with Corinne and practised speaking to a service operator on the phone. We now know that we must ring 999 and tell the operator our full address over the phone in the case of an emergency. We all had lots of fun and learnt some very important life skills that we can go home and share !


Fire Service visit

Oak Class

WC 27.3.23


 This week we have been thinking about 'happiness and sadness' . We looked at different pictures and suggested if the people were happy and sad and why. We then thought of times in our lives when sadness has turned into happiness and shared these with the rest of the class. Finally we thought about the Easter story and sequenced it thinking carefully about happy and sad times during the story. We had some brilliant discussions !

Sequencing the Easter story and talking about happy and sad parts

Oak Class WC 20.3.23


This week in Oak Class we have been bust writing letters to invite parents to our fantastic Ukulele concert next Wednesday 29.3. Where we will be playing and singing. When writing our invites, we have been trying hard in year 1 to try and use the conjunction 'and' to add information to our sentences. Not forgetting our capital letters and full stops! In Year 2 we have been trying to use a range of conjunctions and suffixes to make our writing interesting. In maths we have been busy multiplying and dividing using arrays and grouping. We have also been creative using collage to create our Easter cards. Wow, we have been busy! 


Oak Class Week Wc  13.3.23


This week in Oak class we have been busy writing our fabulous acrostic 'Springtime' poems. We also created our fantastic mothers day cards using our fabulous Daffodil paintings. We read the poem 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' and looked at lots of different paintings of daffodils. We then practiced colour mixing using different techniques and used these to create our own daffodil paintings. We are really proud of how they came out!!

Daffodil paintings and Springtime poems

Week beginning 20.2.23


In Oak Class this week, we have had a wonderful time discovering the joys of spring. The children got lots of fresh air during a day of activities in the school grounds. They went on a scavenger hunt, spotting lots of natural objects, they searched high and low to collect items to create a colour pallette. A springtime dance session was inspired by gardening actions- preparing flower beds, pulling weeds and sheltering from the rain. We are lucky enough to have lots of trees so were able to immerse ourselves in mindfulness, using all our senses and working with partners, put on blindfolds and did some tree hugging. The children loved digging and raking the vegetable and flower beds. The children wrote detailed recounts of their experiences.

At the end of the week, we used the TASC (Thinking actively in a social context) wheel to identify what we already knew about plants. Lots of questions were posed. What do we know about plants? What are they? Are they alive? What do they need to grow? Where do plants grow? Can we name any plants, flowers or trees that we have seen around the school grounds or at home? Then we went to see how many different plants we could find in the school grounds. We used an iPad to take photographs of the plants and tried to identify and name them all. Here are just some of the plants we photographed. 

Week Beginning 30.1.23


A huge well done to the Oak Class this week. They have worked very hard and learnt lots of new facts about animals. This week we have had some very little visitors come to see us and help us learn lots about the different features of animals. A big thank you to all the pets that came to visit Hazel Wood Infant School on Pet Day this week. We hope all the pets had a wonderful time. 



Week Beginning Monday 23rd January 


This week the children have been extremely creative. The children have designed their own perfect pet. Using rolled up newspaper, the children have made their pet and have started to glue small pieces of newspaper to smooth the shape out. The children listened well to instructions and it was lovely to see the children working in small teams to achieve the task set. A great week Oak class - well done. 

Another great week in the Oak Class. This week we have been comparing the reigns of Queen Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria. The children were able to use their historical knowledge about the two different Queens and give an opinion as to which era they would like to live in. In Maths we have been looking at subtracting numbers using our number facts to help us. Well done Oak class. 

Oak Class Learning WB 16.1.23

Week Beginning: Monday 9th January 


What a great start to the week we had with a fantastic pantomine coming to visit Hazel Wood. The pantaomine was an excellent motivator for writing our brilliant Snow White and the Seven Dwarf story. All the children added in their writing 'must haves' to produce such wonderful stories. 


In Maths this week, the Year 2s have been looking at methods to speed up their mental arithmetic and the Year 1s have been busy adding three 1 digit numbers and finding relationships between addition and subtraction. 


Well done Oak class for working so hard this week!

Week Beginning: 03.01.23


The Oak class have settled into the new term well. In Maths, we have been learning about number and place value. The children have been learning to place numbers accurately on a numberline and round the number to the next multiple of 10. The children have been able to find one more and one less than a number. 


In the curriculum lessons, the children have been learning the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The children have learnt the story well and along with actions can recite the story. 


A great first week Oak class - well done !

Examples of our learning this week...

Once upon a time...

This week in Key stage one we had a mysterious visitor who crept into our assembly and without a sound left a basket. After looking inside we discovered some items that gave us clues to who this cloaked lady might be. Can you guess which story this character might be from? Hazel Wood children made great detectives and worked out the story very quickly.


Learning Blog

Oak Class 

WC 28 11 22



This week we had an overnight visit from a surprise visitor. When we came in on Monday morning there were big footprints all the way down the corridor. We also had CCTV footage of the visitor! It was Father Christmas! We read the story ‘Dear Father Christmas’ .We then had a go at thinking about adjectives and noun phrases to describe Father Christmas. We are very excited !

Oak Class

WC 21.11.22

This week in Oak class we have been exploring the weather that occurs during different seasons in the UK. We have been completing a daily weather diary and been measuring the amount of rainfall. We can say why the days are shorter in the autumn and winter and what effect this has on the trees and plants! Some of us are even having a go at being weather presenters and recording a weather report! We have been busy!

Oak Class 

WC 14/11/22

This week in Oak Class we have been learning about and writing about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot. Who was he? Why did he try to blow up the King James 1st? Who was King James 1st? What happened when Guy Fawkes was caught? Ask your children and they should be able to answer these questions!

Firework Music



Mrs Whitfield has been working really hard with the children in music.

The children listened to Stravinsky’s piece of music called ‘Fireworks’ and thought about the instruments he used and listened to the dynamics in the piece of music. They then watched a video of different types of fireworks, the Year 1 children thought about if they were loud or quiet and the Year 2 children thought about if they went from quieter to louder or vice versa. Then they explored the instruments and thought about which sounds would be appropriate for each firework and  picked a graphic notation to represent each firework. Finally they worked in two groups to compose their piece of music. The Year 1 children were focusing on loud or quiet and the Year 2 children on making the dynamics change from quieter to louder etc. 



Year 2 - Firework composition

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Year 1 - firework composition

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Guy Fawkes and King James 1st

Remember, Remember. Week beginning 1/11/22

Oak Class Learning

Week beginning 17/10/22

This week, we have been learning about the life and work of the Japanese contemporary artist, Yayoi Kusama. We learnt that she loved drawing from a young age and often uses bright colours and dots in her work, she is sometimes called 'the princess of polka dots'. We looked at lots of examples of her paintings, fashion designs and sculptures and then looked at some pumpkins and covered them in dot designs.  Here are some of our pencil drawings.

Oak Class Learning 

WC 10 10 22

This week in Oak class we have been discussing what Geography is. We then talked about where we live and that we live in England which is a country in the UK. The UK is made up of 4 countries and we plotted and labelled the countries a map. We found out about the flags and capital cities of each country. Some of us even wrote facts about the capital cities!

Geography - Finding out about the United Kingdom

Oak Class Learning

Week beginning 3/10/22


In PSHE this week, we have been thinking carefully about the choices we make and the consequences of our choices. We looked at some photos of scenarios and tried to work out what was happening and the emotions of the people in different situations. We thought about how this related to our class charter and what the consequences might be if we do not keep our promise of following the rules we have all agreed on. The children all contributed their own ideas about what consequences should be for children who make the choice not to be kind, or to listen or make it hard for others to learn. Each child drew a scenario showing a responsible action and a good consequence which made them happy and an example of an irresponsible action or bad choice leading to an unpleasant consequence and therefore a negative emotion. It was clear that all the children love to make their teachers and friends happy and to receive Dojo points. stickers and Head teacher awards but do not like disappointing themselves or others. Take a look at their wonderful illustrations and ideas in the slideshow below.

Oak Class Learning

WC 26.9.22




In Oak Class this week we have been reading the 'Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'. We have tasted and evaluated different types of sandwiches , ready to design, make and evaluate our own next week. We tried a range of different fillings and scored them out of 10. We also thought of some great adjectives to describe the taste eg scrumptious, tasty, delicious. We then wrote letters to our parents and carers to invite them to come to our KS1 picnic to try out tasty 'Lighthouse sandwiches'. Wow, we have been busy!

Oak Class Learning

WC 19.9.22

In science this week we have been using our five senses to describe autumn. We have used adjectives to describe what we can see, hear, smell, taste and feel during autumn. We are using these to make a fantastic autumnal poem.


Using our senses to describe autumn

Oak Class Learning

WC 12.9.22

This week in Oak class we have been very resilient when writing our own versions of the ‘Ugly Duckling’. Some of us have been trying hard to use capital letters and full stops. Some of us have been trying hard to make our writing interesting by using, adjectives, noun phrases and different conjunctions. 

'Ugly Duckling' stories in progress

Welcome to Oak Class 22/23


Oak Class Learning 5.9.22


This week in PSHE we have been looking at our school and class charters. We have also been talking about our rights and responsibilities at school and especially talking about our right to feel safe. We were introduced to Jigsaw Jack and he sent a letter introducing himself. We then talked about how we could make him feel safe and special in Oak class and then shared our ‘Safe Places’ and drew some fantastic pictures of our safe places.


Oak Class Work WC 5.9.22

Oak Learning - Science

WC 27.6.22

This week in Oak class we have been looking at changes that have happened in our bean experiment and comparing the variables. We looked at how the following effect growth; water/no water, light/dark, warm/cold, compost/no compost. We used our observational skills to look at the pots carefully and record the results. Our own beans that we have grown are growing brilliantly as they have had all the variables a plant needs to grow; light, warmth, water and nutrients. We are looking forward to selling them at our plant sale!

Science Investigation

WC 20.6.22


This week in Oak class we have been exploring Van Gough’s artwork, in particular his sunflower picture. We discussed the colours he used and created our own background using different tones of blue. We used a colour wash using our colour mixing and cut out petals. Then used printing to create the centre of the sunflower. We love how they have turned out!

WC 13.6.22

Bean Growing

This week we have planted beans in transparent cups, with wet paper towels so that we can watch them grow. We talked about the conditions that the bean needs to grow. We talked about how our bean needs water, warmth and sunlight to start to germinate. We also made a prediction about how tall our bean might grow by next week. When they have started to grow shoot and roots we will plant them in the soil at home!

Planting our beans, making predictions and writing our bean diaries

Kittens 5 and 6 weeks old!

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Week 1 Summer 2- wc 06.06.22

This week we have been identifying different species of plant and tree around our school. We have also used the Ipads to take photos and use different features to zoom in, edit and change the composition of the pictures. We used our learning values of team work and resilience to explore the different features of the camera.

Oak Class pictures wc 06.06.22

Week 4 Learning Oak Class

Getting ready for the Platinum Jubilee.

This week we have been getting creative at home and in school in preparation for our ‘Platinum Jubilee Celebrations’. We have been making bunting to put up for our street party. We have used lots of different mediums such as, collage, mosaic and colouring. We can’t wait to display them and celebrate this historical event.

Making bunting for the 'Platinum Jubilee'

Kittens 17 days old

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Eyes open and wondering around!

Kittens 11 days old :)

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Week 3 - 8.5.22 Exploring, designing and making Tudor houses

This week we have been exploring what Tudor Houses were like and what they were made from. We have explored different joining techniques and designed our houses. We are really looking forward to making them and showing them off on Friday!


Exploring joining techniques

Week commencing 3.5.22


This week we have been learning about the impact of the Great Fire of London on the people that lived in the city. We imagined that our house burnt down in the fire and we were living in a tent on Hampsted Heath. we talked about the conditions and what they would have been like. W thought about how we would feel. We wrote a letter to King Charles expressing our unhappiness about the situation and asking for help! We focused on using the prefix 'un' and using a range suffixes. We thought it was very unfair!

Our fabulous letter writing

                                                New Kittens

On Friday 29th April I had an exciting day as my cat Lilo had five new kittens. The kittens are very cute but they have their eyes closed and can't hear anything at the moment. They sleep and eat a lot!There are 3 tabby kittens , a black and white kitten and a pale ginger kitten. They are changing fast already! I will post pictures each week so you can watch them grow and change .



Kittens 3 days old

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Oak Class Learning WC 28.3.22

This week in Oak class we have been celebrating Autism Awareness Week. We have been talking about Autism and learning how everyone is different and special. We talked about how we all have differences and how these can be celebrated and that we should all be proud to be who we are. If we were all the same life would be very boring! We had some lovely stickers made by a child in Maple that told us to 'Be proud of who we are' and we wore them proudly!


Autism and Iphones

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We watched this to try and understand that we are all different and have different ways of doing things.No way is right or wrong!

Oak Class WC 21.3.22

In geography this week we have been comparing the seasons in the Polar Regions with the seasons in Totton. We then compared the physical and human features of the Antarctic ‘McMurdo’ research base with those in Totton and sorted some photographs. Later in the week we will be talking about the issue of climate change and how it is affecting the Polar Regions. In school and at home we will all be trying to do our bit to slow down climate change!



Geography in Oak class

Oak Class Learning - WC 14/3/22


This week is art week and we are exploring textures through clay. We have been exploring different materials and describing how they feel using adjectives. We sorted animals by the textures of their skin comparing them to the materials we explored. Later in the week we will be using this to make our own polar animal out of clay using mark making and joining techniques. We can't wait! You will get to view our amazing animals in our art gallery at the end of term!                                                     

Exploring textures

Oak Class Learning WC 7th March 2022

This week Oak class has been having great fun in music learning about the parts of the ukulele, how to hold it properly and we have started to learn how to strum it! We have also been finding out about the arctic circle and the polar bears that live there. Ask us some facts and we can tell you all about them!smileyyes

Ukulele fun in Oak Class

History of Printing Day

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Oak Class has enjoyed learning about how printing has developed from William Caxton with the early printing press to the invention of the World Wide Web. The children created timelines and took part in printing activities some of which were edible! They thought about how creating books has changed and become a much easier process. A class book review was written and the children explored how to safely use the Internet to share our learning.

Oak Class 'Fireworks in the Sky'

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We have really enjoyed learning about Guy Fawkes and the 'Gun Powder Plot'. We have done some drama, art, writing and composed a piece of firework music. For our musical piece we thought about the sounds different fireworks make and chose musical instruments to represent those fireworks. We went into groups and created a piece to represent a firework and then we put all the fireworks together to make our piece of music.

Oak Class 'Steven Brown' inspired animal alphabet art

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We have had great fun learning about different animals in our 'Animal Antics' topic and have been doing lots of writing and art. In our writing we have looked at the alphabet and practised our upper and lower case letters. We have learnt the skill of colour mixing using the primary colours to make different greens, purples and oranges. We also looked at the Scottish artist 'Steven Brown' and painted animals in a similar style. Each child painted an animal from a different letter of the alphabet and we have made their paintings into an alphabet book. Please enjoy looking at our colourful paintings with your child. Look out for some of the more unusual animals. We even have a Vaquita which is criticaly endangered!

Welcome to Oak Class Love Mrs Davey and Mrs Beard

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We are really looking forward to welcoming you to Oak Class and welcoming back our amazing year 1's. It will be a fantastic year full of lots of fun learning 😊

Mrs Beard

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Welcome to Oak Class!

Celebrating all of our fantastic home learning during lockdown. We are very proud of you all. 

Home learning

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Curriculum Information Evening September
